José Eduardo Moreira Bergo

Consultant e Board Member

Economist, having worked for over 30 years in Banco do Brasil and retired as Director of Institutional Security of the bank. He was Sectorial Director of the Executive Commission for Money Laundering Combat and Prevention, Director of the Executive Commission of Cybersecurity and Adjunct Director of the Executive Commission for Fraud Prevention of the Brazilian Bank Federation (Febraban). José Eduardo was also member of the fiscal board of several companies, such as BB Tecnologia e Serviços, BB Turismo (he was president of the fiscal board in both), Renner Stores and Elo Participações.


German Spanish French English Italian Mandarin Portuguese

+55 11 3135-6059



  • Bachelor in Economics - Associação de Ensino Unificado do Distrito Federal (AEUDF)
  • Superior Course of Strategic Intelligence - Superior War School (ESG) of Rio de Janeiro
  • Master’s in business administration (MBA) in Auditing - Fipecafi/University of São Paulo
  • IAG Master in Corporate Finance - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC/RJ)
  • Master’s in business administration (MBA) in Advanced Business Management - Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT)
  • International CEO - Fundação Getulio Vargas Rio de Janeiro (FGV-RJ)
  • Master in Banking Business and Financial Agent - Alcalá University, Spain
  • Course for Board of Administration Members - IBGC São Paulo
  • Course of Strategic Governance - Fundação Getulio Vargas São Paulo (FGV-SP)